Cranberries the Red Gold
The film Cranberries The Red Gold (2010), an ode to the Terschelling cranberry, was shot for a number of years at the Cranberry Terschelling company. The film gives a picture of Terschelling and the cranberry picking and processing as it happened before. This film is a successor to a Red Mouse video production by filmmaker Piet Liefhebber that was made for Cranberry Terschelling at the time. A few images from this film have been processed in Cranberries The Red Gold. The cranberry company has now been split into two parts, each with its own owner. Island shop Wuxalia is now a separate company for the sale of cranberry products. In the shop and on the website you can find a variety of Terschellinger products with an emphasis on the well-known Terschellinger berry.
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